

政府 时间:2021-06-06


各位来宾,女士们、先生们:  Ladies and Gentlemen,
  晚上好!非常高兴有机会与中国在美投资企业的代表和美国各界朋友欢聚一堂,共同庆祝美国中国总商会成立一周年。我谨代表中国国务院法制办张穹副主任,代表中华人民共和国商务部和中国政府法律交流代表团对美国中国总商会成立一周年表示热烈祝贺,对美国中国总商会、中国商务部合作司、美大司、投资促进事务局、中国驻美使馆为成功举办周年庆祝活动和今晚的庆祝晚宴所做的努力表示衷心感谢。同时,我也要特别感谢美国商务部格拉斯曼副部长莅临晚宴。  Good evening! I am very pleased to have this opportunity to get together with representatives of Chinese companies in the US and American friends from all walks of life to celebrate the first anniversary of China General Chamber of Commerce in USA (CGCC)。 On behalf of Vice Minister Zhang Qiong of the Legislative Affairs Office of the State Council, the Ministry of Commerce of PRC, and the legal exchange delegation of the Chinese government, I’d like to congratulate on the first anniversary of the CGCC and to express my sincere thanks to CGCC, Department of Foreign Economic Cooperation and Department of American and Oceanian Affairs of MOFCOM, China Investment Promotion Agency, and the Chinese Embassy in the US for successfully organizing the anniversary celebration and this gala dinner. In the meantime, I’d like to thank Under Secretary of Commerce Glassman for attending this banquet.
  女士们、先生们,  Ladies and Gentlemen,
  一年前,在中国企业对美投资领域不断拓宽、投资方式更加多元化、投资规模迅速扩大的情况下,中国在美投资企业发起成立了美国中国总商会。总商会成立之时恰值中华人民共和国主席胡锦涛在纽约出席联合国成立60周年首脑会议,胡主席亲切接见了出席美国中国总商会首届理事会的全体成员,祝贺美国中国总商会成立,殷切希望总商会充分发挥民间社团的作用,团结广大中资企业,树立良好形象,维护合法权益,支持企业做强做大,为中美两国经贸交流与友好关系的发展做出努力。吴仪副总理十分重视美国中国总商会的成立,欣然写下“中美经贸桥梁,企业合作纽带”的题词,并要求总商会在促进中美经贸交流方面发挥更加重要的作用。  One year ago, against the backdrop that Chinese companies’ investment in the US was expanding, investment modes diversifying, and investment scale increasing, Chinese companies in the US established the China General Chamber of Commerce in USA. The establishment of CGCC coincided with President Hu Jintao’s participation at the UN’s 60th anniversary summit in New York. President Hu received all the members attending the first council meeting of CGCC and congratulated them on the establishment of CGCC. He hoped that CGCC could fully play its role of civil society, unite all the Chinese companies, bolster their good profile, protect their legal rights and interests, and support companies’ development, thus contributing to the economic and trade exchanges as well as the friendly relations between China and the US. Vice Premier Wu Yi also attached great importance to the establishment of CGCC and wrote “A bridge for China-US economy and trade. A bond for companies’ cooperation”。 She also called for CGCC to play a more important role in promoting China-US economic and trade exchanges.
  一年来,美国中国总商会秉承为会员服务的宗旨,积极拓展各项工作,发挥引导、鼓励、促进、服务的功能,广泛团结在美中资企业和商界人士,并加强与美政府、国会、行业协会的联系,取得很大成绩。总商会卓有成效的工作,使其成为在美中资企业沟通信息、加强交流、团结互助的重要平台,打造了“华商之家”的良好形象;同时,促进了在美中资企业与美国工商界及美国政府、国会的联系和交流,帮助中国企业更好更快的融入当地社会,树立和维护了中资企业的良好形象,真正起到了“中美经贸桥梁,企业合作纽带”的作用。在此,我对美国中国总商会取得的成绩表示祝贺,对为总商会工作提供支持和帮助的各界人士表示由衷的感谢!  Over the past year, CGCC, by upholding its principle of serving its membership, has carried out its work effectively and made great achievement in playing the role of guiding, encouraging, promoting, serving and uniting Chinese companies and business people in the US, and in strengthening the link with the US government, Congress and trade associations. With its effective work, CGCC has become an important platform for Chinese companies in the US to exchange information, and strengthen links, solidarity and mutual help, thus creating the image of “home for Chinese businesses”。 Meanwhile, it has promoted the links and exchanges between Chinese companies in the US and the US business community, US government and Congress, facilitated Chinese companies’ better and faster integration into local community, and created and protected Chinese companies’ good images, thus playing the role of being “A bridge for China-US economy and trade. A bond for companies’ cooperation”。 Hereby, I’d like to congratulate on the achievement made by CGCC and thank those who have given support and help to CGCC!
  女士们,先生们:  Ladies and Gentlemen,
  作为世界上最大的发展中国家和最大的发达国家,中美两国在经济发展水平和经济结构等方面存在极大的差异,在自然条件以及人力资源、市场、资金、技术等多方面具有很强的互补性。事实证明,中美经济的互补性和经贸合作的互利性是中美经贸关系持久发展的基础和驱动力,加强中美经贸合作符合两国和两国人民的根本利益。  As the biggest developing country and developed country in the world, China and US differ greatly in terms of economic development level and economic structure, but are strongly complementary with each other in terms of natural endowment, human resources, market, capital, technologies, etc. It is proven that economic complementarities between China and the US together with mutual benefits in trade and economic cooperation are the foundations and driving forces for sustaining China-US economic and trade ties. Strengthening China-US trade and economic cooperation is in the interests of both countries and both peoples.
  中美建交27年来,双边经贸合作已发生质的变化,合作内容扩展到经济的各个领域,已形成相互依存、互利共赢、共同发展的局面。27年来,中美贸易额增长了85倍,美国成为中国第二大贸易伙伴,中国成为美国第三大贸易伙伴。中国加入世贸组织以来的5年,是美对华出口增长最快的5年,年均增幅是美对全球出口增幅的4.9倍,2005年美对华出口额比2001年增长118%,远高于美对其他所有主要出口市场的增长率,中国由2001年美第9大出口市场跃升为2005年的第4大出口市场,成为带动美出口增长的主要因素。今年前10个月,美对华出口额接近500亿美元,超过去年全年的出口额,增幅达24%。如能保持这一增长势头,2007年中国有望跃升为美国的第3大出口市场。  Over the past 27 years since China’s establishment of diplomatic relationship with the US, bilateral trade and economic cooperation has fundamentally changed in that it has covered all economic fields, thus achieving interdependence, mutual benefits, win-win and common development. Over the past 27 years, China-US trade increased by 85 folds. America has become China’s second largest trading partner. China has become America’s third largest trading partner. Over the past five years since China’s accession to the WTO, US export to China witnessed the fastest growing period, with an average annual growth 4.9 times that to the globe. US export to China in 2005 was up 118% compared to that in 2001, much higher than the growth rate of US export to other major markets. China has jumped from being 9th largest export market for the US to 4th largest, becoming a major driving force for US export growth. In the first 10 months of this year, US export to China reached nearly US$50 billion, exceeding last year’s total export, with an increase of 24%. If this growth momentum could sustain, China is going to be the 3rd largest export market for the US in 2007.
  在双边贸易快速增长的同时,双向投资得到快速发展。美国是中国最大的外资来源地之一。截至2006年10月底,美在华累计投资设立企业51352家,实际对华投入资金超过529亿美元。目前,中国已成为美国企业海外利润的主要来源地之一,2005年美在华投资企业实现利润总额约97亿美元。与此同时,美企业通过投资不断扩大在中国市场的占有份额,据不完全统计,2005年美在华企业在中国国内市场的销售额达770亿美元。  Bilateral trade is growing fast. So is two-way investment. The US is one of China’s largest foreign direct investment sources. By the end of October, 2006, the number of US companies in China was 51,352, with over US$ 52.9 billion actual input in China. At present, China has become one of the major overseas profit sources for US companies. In 2005, US companies in China made about US$9.7 billion in profit. In the meantime, US companies increased their market shares in China through investment. According to preliminary statistics, in 2005 US companies’ sales revenue in China’s domestic market hit US$77 billion.
  中国企业对美投资进入快速增长期。2004年,中国企业在美投资设立的企业数和投资额分别比2002年增长了25.6%和30.5%,2005年比2004年又有了很大增长,今年1-9月,有107家中国企业在美国投资兴业,同时,有更多的中国企业正在积极寻求对美投资的机会。截至2006年9月,中国企业对美直接投资近30亿美元,在美设立的企业超过1100家,涉及的领域涵盖制造业、研发以及贸易、运输、咨询等服务业。目前,美国已成为中国企业“走出去”拓展海外业务的重要目的地之一。对美投资的中国企业,不仅包括一些较为知名的大型企业,如中远集团、中石油集团、中建集团、中国电信、中国海运等,也包括一些有实力的新生力量,如海尔集团、TCL集团、万向集团、华为集团、中兴通讯等。中国企业对美投资提供的数万个就业岗位,缓解了企业所在地的就业压力,为促进美国经济与社会发展做出了积极贡献。  Chinese companies’ investment in the US has begun to take off. In 2004, the number of Chinese companies in the US and their investment were up 25.6% and 30.5% respectively on the basis of 2002. In 2005, the figures increased again compared to 2004. Between January and September this year, 107 Chinese companies invested in the US and set up their own businesses. Meanwhile, an increasingly large group of Chinese companies are seeking for opportunities to invest in the US. By September, 2006, Chinese companies’ FDI in the US amounted to nearly US$3 billion, with over 1,100 newly set up companies in the US, covering manufacturing, R&D, trade, transportation, consultancy and other service sectors. At present, the US has become one of the important destinations for Chinese companies “going global”, exploring overseas business. Chinese companies investing in the US include not only some famous big names, such as, COSCO, CNPC, CSCEC, China Telecom, China Shipping, but also some competent emerging companies, such as, Haier, TCL, Wanxiang, Huawei, ZTE, etc. Tens of thousands of jobs created by Chinese companies’ investment in the US have helped alleviate employment pressures of the place where the companies are located, thus contributing to America’s economic and social development.
  女士们,先生们:  Ladies and Gentlemen,
  当前,中国经济保持平稳较快发展的良好态势。2006年GDP增幅有望接近10%,进出口总额约1.7万亿美元,其中进口7700亿美元左右,居美国、德国之后成为世界第三大贸易国和第三大进口市场;吸收外国直接投资超过600亿美元,继续居发展中国家之首位。中国政府将扩大内需作为拉动经济增长的重要引擎,采取一系列措施促进中国的商品和服务市场持续扩大。在扩大内需政策的驱动下,2006年,中国社会消费品零售总额增幅将超过13%,高于GDP增幅4个百分点。  At present, China’s economy sustains stable and relatively fast growth. In 2006, GDP growth is expected to reach nearly 10%. Import and export will arrive at about US$1.7 trillion, among which import will total at around US$770 billion. China will become the world’s third largest trading power and importer, next to the US and Germany. China’s FDI will exceed US$60 billion, securing for China the top position amongst developing countries. The Chinese government has made expanding domestic demand an important engine for boosting economic growth, and has taken measures to expand China’s goods and services market. Driven by the policy of expanding domestic demand, in 2006, the growth of total retail sales of social consumer goods in China will be over 13%, 4 percentage points higher than the GDP growth rate.
  尽管目前中国经济发展态势总体良好,但经济结构不合理,经济增长方式粗放,体制机制不完善,区域发展不平衡等深层次矛盾没有得到根本解决,经济和社会发展面临不少困难和挑战。为解决中国经济发展面临的一系列问题(就业、城乡差别、区域差别、分配不公、法制不健全、环境与生态问题、社会道德等),去年下半年,中国政府做出构建社会主义和谐社会的重要部署,并设定了实现民主法治、公平正义、诚信友爱、充满活力、安定有序、人与自然和谐相处的工作目标。  Despite generally sound economic development in China, some deep-rooted problems, such as, unsound economic structure, extensive economic growth model, deficient mechanisms and unbalanced regional development, remain unresolved. Economic and social development still encounters some difficulties and challenges. In order to address the problems facing China’s economic development (employment, urban and rural discrepancy, regional differences, unfair distribution, unsound legal system, environment and ecological problems, social morality, etc.), in the second half of last year, the Chinese government made an important deployment of building a socialist harmonious society and set the goals of achieving democracy, rule of law, fair and justice, creditworthiness and fraternity, vitality, stability and order and harmony between man and nature.
  2006年-2010年是中国经济发展的重要时期。正在实施的第十一个五年规划将使中国经济步入新的稳定增长与和谐发展期。未来4年,中国的GDP年均增长率预期可达7.5%以上。预计2010年,中国国内生产总值将达到3.2万亿美元,人均2400美元,社会消费品零售总额和社会生产资料销售总额合计将达到4.8万亿美元,年进口额将超过1万亿美元,届时中国可望成为世界第二大进口市场。为建立环境友好型和资源节约型社会,通过实施十一五规划,我们要在中国的经济总量进一步扩大的同时,着重提高经济增长的质量,到2010年,将单位国内生产总值能源消耗降低20%,主要污染物排放总量减少10%。与此同时,在扩大对外开放、深化体制改革、完善民主法制、扭转城乡差距、合理收入分配、建立社会保障体系和公共服务体系、提高全民素质、加强知识产权保护、建立创新型国家等方面取得重要进展,使5年后的中国更加繁荣、更加和谐。  2006-2010 is an important period for China’s economic development. The ongoing 11th five-year program will gear China’s economy into a new period of stable growth and harmonious development. In the coming four years, China’s average annual GDP growth is expected to be over 7.5%. It is estimated that by 2010 China’s GDP will reach US$ 3.2 trillion, with a per capita GDP of US$ 2,400. The aggregated sales of consumer goods and capital goods will total at US$4.8 trillion. Import will exceed US$1 trillion. By then, China is expected to be the world’s second largest import market.
  In order to build an environmentally friendly and resource-conserving society, through implementing 11th five year program, we shall enhance the quality of economic growth while expanding economic aggregate. By 2010, energy consumption per unit GDP will be reduced by 20%, and total emission of major pollutants by 10%. Meanwhile, important progress shall be made in deepening opening-up and system reform, improving democracy and legal system, narrowing urban and rural gap, rationalizing income distribution, setting up social security system and public service system, enhancing people’s education, strengthening IPR protection, and building an innovation-driven country, so as to build a more prosperous and harmonious country five years later.
  女士们,先生们:  Ladies and Gentlemen,
  在座的许多朋友都是中国改革开放进程和中美经贸关系发展的见证人,很多公司既是中美经贸合作的受益者,也是长期促进中美经贸关系稳定发展的积极力量。中国市场对美国企业是充分开放的,基于中美经贸结构的互补性,中美之间有着巨大的市场需求。一个更加开放、充满活力的中国将成为美国更加紧密的全方位合作伙伴。希望中美企业家们把握新的发展机遇,通过加强合作,取得更大的成功。中美经贸关系是中美关系的重要基础,平等互利的经贸关系,对新世纪中美关系全面健康发展具有重要意义,希望在座的诸位在推动中美互利双赢的经贸关系上,在促进中美建设性全面合作伙伴关系的发展上,做出新的贡献。  Many friends present here are witnesses of China’s reform and opening-up and the development of China-US economic and trade ties. Many companies are both beneficiaries of China-US trade and economic cooperation and driving forces for the stable development of China-US economic and trade ties. The Chinese market is fully open to US companies. Given the strong complementarities of China-US economic and trade structures, great market demands exist between China and the US. A more liberalized and dynamic China will become a closer all-dimensional cooperation partner for the US. I hope Chinese and American entrepreneurs can seize new development opportunities and make greater achievements through strengthening cooperation. China-US economic and trade ties are important foundations for China-US relations. Equal and mutually beneficial economic and trade ties are of great significance to the healthy development of the overall China-US ties. I hope every body present here can make new contributions to promoting mutually beneficial and win-win China-US economic and trade ties and the development of China-US comprehensive, constructive and cooperative relationship.
  我衷心希望美国中国总商会在增进中美两国企业的了解,密切业已存在的合作,团结并服务在美中资企业方面发挥更大的作用,希望总商会引导并协助会员企业遵守当地法律,强化社会责任意识,树立和维护中资企业的良好形象,并肩负一起促进和推动中美经贸关系健康稳定发展的责任,为两国友好关系的发展注入新的生机和活力。同时,也希望在座各位继续对美国中国总商会的成长、发展给予大力支持。  I sincerely hope that CGCC can play a bigger role in promoting understanding between Chinese and American companies, in strengthening closer cooperation, and in uniting and serving Chinese companies in the US. I hope CGCC could guide and help member companies to abide by local laws, enhance the awareness of social responsibility, and create and protect good images of Chinese companies so as to bear the responsibility of promoting the healthy and stable development of China-US economic and trade ties and injecting new vitalities into two countries’ friendly relations. At the same time, I hope you could continue to support CGCC’s growth and development.
  谢谢大家!   I wish CGCC could prosper and make greater achievements in the New Year!
  Wish you a Merry Christmas!
  Thank you!

